The PCO3-14-16 PureAir™ system attacks all three classes of contaminants, providing a healthier home environment:

  • Particles: small breathable particles such as pollen, dust and pet dander
  • Bioaerosols and microorganisms: viruses, dust mites, bacteria, mold spores and fungi
  • Odors and chemical vapors: pet odors, cooking smells, cleaning supplies and paints

Cleans the air in the home better than any other single system

Pure Air Filter System

Using a whole house purifier like the PureAir filter system by Healthy Climate can offer several benefits for indoor air quality:

  1. Comprehensive Filtration: Whole house purifiers are designed to filter a wide range of contaminants, including dust, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, bacteria, and viruses. The PureAir filter system utilizes advanced filtration technology to capture and remove these particles effectively.
  2. Improved Respiratory Health: By removing airborne allergens and irritants, a whole-house purifier can significantly improve indoor air quality, reducing the risk of respiratory issues such as asthma and allergies. Cleaner air can also alleviate symptoms for those already suffering from respiratory conditions.
  3. Odor Reduction: The PureAir filter system not only targets particulate matter but also tackles odors and chemical vapors. This can be particularly beneficial in homes with pets, smokers, or cooking odors, as it helps maintain a fresher and more pleasant indoor environment.
  4. Enhanced Comfort: Cleaner air can contribute to a more comfortable living space by reducing stuffiness and minimizing indoor air pollutants that can cause discomfort. This is especially important for individuals spending extended periods indoors, such as children, the elderly, or those working from home.
  5. Protection for HVAC System: Whole house purifiers like the PureAir filter system not only improve indoor air quality but also help protect your HVAC system. By capturing and removing airborne particles before they can accumulate within the system, it can help maintain HVAC efficiency and prolong the lifespan of equipment.
  6. Convenience and Integration: Unlike portable air purifiers, which need to be moved from room to room, a whole-house purifier is installed directly into your HVAC system, providing continuous filtration throughout your home. This integration offers convenience and ensures consistent air quality in every room without the need for multiple devices.
  7. Energy Efficiency: While enhancing indoor air quality, the PureAir filter system is designed to operate efficiently, minimizing energy consumption. This allows you to enjoy cleaner air without significantly increasing your utility bills.

Overall, investing in a whole house purifier like the PureAir filter system can create a healthier and more comfortable indoor environment for you and your family, promoting well-being and peace of mind.

Healthier Indoor Air Quality

  • Exceeds hospital intensive care/operating room level filtration*
  • Attacks all three classes of contaminants, providing a healthier home environment
  • Particles: small breathable particles such as pollen, dust, and pet dander
  • Bioaerosols and microorganisms: viruses, dust mites, bacteria, mold spores and fungi
  • Odors and chemical vapors: pet odors, cooking smells, cleaning supplies and paints
  • Eliminates dust, pollen, bacteria, and viruses to help your customers breathe easier
  • Removes 99.9% of particles absorbed by the lungs, including infectious bacteria and smoke down to 0.3 micron**
  • Removes over 90% of bioaerosols including airborne viruses such as MERSA, flu and cold viruses down to 0.01 micron**
  • Removes 99.9% of all pollen, mold spores, dust mites and pet dander
  • No ozone emissions, a known lung irritant
  • Reduces and destroys ozone

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New York, NY 10011